Get to Know Your Neighbors by Creating a Community Garden –

Get to Know Your Neighbors by Creating a Community Garden

Creating a community garden is a great way to get to know your neighbors. After all, the seeds of friendship are often planted as people work together toward a single goal.

So, what’s the first step in creating a community garden? Deciding when and where to hold a community garden meeting. Ideally, aim for a date in early spring before planting season arrives. Once you’ve decided on a place and time for the meeting, post the meeting details on a community notice board or spread the information between neighbors through word of mouth.

On the day of the meeting, have the group decide the specifics of the garden. Will it be a visual garden, a vegetable garden, or both? Also, decide who from the group will obtain any needed gardening supplies and take up a collection to cover the expected expenses.

Once its time to create the actual garden, seek out the experienced gardeners in the group and pair them off with the group’s novice gardeners. Such pairings can create instant connections among group members and will allow those of all skill levels to contribute to the project with greater ease.

Please note that certain locations require residents to obtain a permit or other permissions before implementing a community garden project. If this is the case in your area, then be sure to get the proper permissions before undertaking such a project.

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