How to Harvest, Dry, and Store Fresh Herbs – Page 2 –

How to Harvest, Dry, and Store Fresh Herbs

Harvesting the Herbs

The best time to harvest fresh herbs is just before the plant begins to flower. At this time, the flavor will be at its peak. The type of herb will determine where it should be cut. Annual herbs should be harvested from ground level, while perennial herbs should be cut from about one-third of the way down the stem.

On the day you decide to harvest your herbs, you should do so during the late morning hours – preferably after the morning dew has dried, but before the leaves have started to wilt in the afternoon sun. Certain herbs like oregano can be harvested multiple times per season to obtain the maximum harvest from the plants. Each variety of herb is different, and some extra research into the specific types of herbs you plan to harvest is recommended.

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