How to Harvest, Dry, and Store Fresh Herbs – Page 5 –

How to Harvest, Dry, and Store Fresh Herbs

Drying and Storing the Herbs

Actual drying times will depend on the moisture content of the individual herbs. Most types of herbs such as bay leaves, oregano, parsley, rosemary, and thyme, will dry in around two weeks. Once they have completely dried, remove the stems and store the leaves (either whole or crushed) in an airtight container. Store in a cool place.

Check the container daily during the first few days of storage. Moisture from herbs which haven’t been fully dried can quickly lead to mold in air-tight containers. If you spot any condensation, remove the herbs and continue drying until the remaining moisture is gone.

Fresh herbs from the garden can be a welcomed addition to any meal during the summer months while they are readily available. Now, with a little extra effort, anyone can enjoy the flavors of home-grown herbs throughout the rest of the year as well.

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